I've been contacted recently by constituents about protecting historic landscapes. I appreciate the depth of your concerns about reports of proposals to build a solar farm on land that inspired The Hobbit.
I believe that the landscapes that inspired some of the country’s most treasured works of literature should be protected for future generations to enjoy. I agree that our planning system should protect important natural landscapes and heritage assets, and I would like to assure you that my ministerial colleagues are committed to ensuring it does just that.
While literary landscapes are not subject to a separate designation within the planning system, I am aware that they are protected more generally through the National Planning Policy Framework. This sets out planning guidance for local authorities in England and makes clear that local planning authorities’ planning policies should conserve and enhance the natural, built and historic environment, including landscapes. The framework also states that planning policies should recognise the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside.
I am pleased that the Government is introducing changes to the planning system to incentivise more local authorities to adopt and update local plans, which provide a framework for local authorities to set out their vision for their area and a platform for local people to shape their surroundings. Crucially, local plans can protect the important landscapes communities cherish and direct homes to the places local people prefer.
I believe that, together, these measures will help protect our beautiful countryside and landscapes for decades to come. Thank you again for taking the time to time to write to me.